You don’t need 100,000 followers to earn $5,000-$10,000/month

Discover The Sales-Driven Content System I Used To Go
$0 to $15,000/mo In Under 6 months

(Even if you only have a few hundred followers, have zero case studies, and only have 1-2 hours per day)

Watch this video if you want to replace your 9-5 income in the next 3-6 months (I genuinely believe it will help you):

Let me know if this sounds familiar:

  • ✓ You don't know "what to offer" (and you find it hard to believe anyone would pay you $1,000s every month because you don't have a stack of case studies and personal results to your name)
  • ✓ You have an offer, but you're not confident in it, and you're struggling to find high-ticket clients willing to pay the high prices you'd like to charge (result: you keep hearing "I don't have the money" or "I need to think about it" when you pitch your offer)
  • ✓ You've landed your first 2-3 clients, but you're stuck in the $1,000-$5,000/month range (and you want to attract higher-value clients so you can reach the $10,000/month milestone)
  • ✓ You're desperate to build a profitable brand so you can replace your 9-5 income (and, when you're ready, escape the job you feel trapped in).

If you do not resonate with any of the points above, you are free to leave — no hard feelings.

Still here? Great.

Because I'm about to introduce you the Sales-Driven Content System which helped me...

Scale my personal brand from $0 to $15,000/month (with zero prior experience or case studies)

PS. I hate Stripe screenshots. But I understand you might want to see proof.

And in the past 2-3 months I’ve helped multiple other creators scale their brands from $0 to $10,000/month (more on that later) so they too could replace their 9-5 income, too.


I am NOT promising you will be able to quit your 9-5 in the next 3 months.

I am NOT promising you will be earning $5,000/month in the next 3 months.

And I am NOT promising you will be able to do any of this without some hard work.

I am simply showing you what is possible when you have a winning strategy, the right skillset, and are willing to invest in a future more meaningful than the life you are currently living.

But before that...

I want to give you some reassurance that I’m not just another “guru”:

Click here to build your profitable brand TODAY!

Here's what some of the biggest creators have to say about me...

(Just so you know I can actually help you).

Brandon Storey ($1M Copywriter)

Harry's content strategies are the best in the game.

If you want to learn how to build your brand alongside your 9-5 (like Harry did), I can't think of anyone better than him.

Charlie Bennett
($200k Ghostwriter)

Harry is one of very few people whose emails and content I look forward to reading everyday.

He’s got a remarkable ability to help people stand out, and make money by being themselves.

Basically, he’s a legend. Buy his stuff.

Stijn Noorman
($10k/mo Creator)

I've known Harry since his early days on 𝕏. His writing instantly stood out, and he managed to scale to $15,000/month in record time.

If I had to start over and pick one creator to help me monetise my personal brand... I'd pick Harry.

Mo Malik
(3x 7-Figure Founder)

I've never seen a creator go from zero to revered authority as fast as Harry. He's one of those guys that simply "gets it".

If I wanted to monetise my brand as quickly as possible, this is the system I would follow.


You Cannot Build A Profitable
Brand Without This In 2024

The good news: it only takes 3-6 months to change your life.

Hey, I'm Harry.
Ex-software developer, turned digital creator.

My mission?

Help creators (just like you) to replace their 9-5 income by building a profitable personal brand.

Read on to find out what I've done for other creators (and how I can help you).

Today, I own a $15,000/month personal brand.

And I have built an evergreen skillset which means I never have to work a 9-5 again.

But, let me rewind real quick...

Here’s the 3 key things I noticed from Day 1 as a creator:

1) Content Drives Sales

Content is your brand's "force multiplier".

Why do I say that?


You are building a personal brand.

You are growing an audience.

You are attracting a tribe of people who know, like and trust you.

And every tweet, long form and email you write will either push people towards working with you, or push people away from working with you.

Post the wrong content?

You'll be forced to rely on aggressive pitches, psychology "hacks" and sleazy sales tactics (which damage your brand) to land clients.

But post the right content?

95% of the "selling" will already be done before someone even hears your offer.

Content-Driven Sales.

This is the "smart" way to monetise your personal brand.

And in 2024, content is more important than ever, because...

2) You Have 1000s Of People Willing To Pay You $2,000/month (or more) At Your Fingertips

Social media is the land of opportunity in 2024.

Let me break it down for you:

  • Every business owner now has a social media profile
  • They are hunting for people who can solve their problems
  • If you can write content which shows you can solve these problems, they will hire you.

For example, here is one of my former clients:

He landed multiple $2,500+ deals with 8-Figure CEOs who reached out to HIM.

The best part?

He had ZERO experience as a Ghostwriter before landing these clients.

But... most creators never reach this stage.


Because they don't understand that...

3) Trust Is The Most Valuable Commodity in 2024

Clients hire you for two reasons:

(1) They trust you
(2) They like you

I can’t help you become more “likeable” – that’s on you ;)

But I can help you with that first step: trust.

Why is trust so important in 2024?

Because every day, more and more people are piling into the Creator Economy.

They're all competing for a slice of the same pie.

And unless you have a way to earn your audience's trust, they will go to one of the other creators who do.


How do you build your audience's trust (so they're open to working with you)?


99% Of Personal Brands Are Playing A Losing Game

But there's a simple solution.

2,400 followers but... zero dollars earned.

That's where I was at the start of 2024.

I thought I needed more followers. But I could see accounts with just 500 followers making $1,000s every single month (while I was stuck with zero).

And when I looked through my DMs?

Not a single "prospect" in sight.

I realised one thing:

I was getting nowhere by listening to all the big creators giving me to "growth hacks", "engagement strategies" and telling me to "tweet more".

Plus, I didn't have time for that anyway.

I was working a 9-5, had only 1-2 hours per day to spend building my brand, and I certainly had ZERO interest in wasting that time spamming 100s of comments every day.

So I decided to take a different approach.

I built a content system based on one core principle:


And I based it upon 3 core principles:

Pillar 1: Your Brand Vision
This is the foundation of every successful brand.

When you share your brand's vision, you attract an audience of people with the same vision for their life as you.

They start to see you as their "missing link" to achieve this vision.

And that makes them 100x more likely to want to work with you.

Pillar 2: Showcasing Competency
I used to think I needed 5+ years of experience, a stack of client wins and personal results to convince clients to work with me.

But if that were true...

How are creators (myself included) landing their first client within just 1-2 months of writing online?

We all start from zero, after all.


The REAL way to land clients is to demonstrate undeniable competency in your craft, and use this to attract your Dream Clients (rather than chasing them).

No cold DMs required.

Pillar 3: Unique Positioning

Every market is now saturated.

The Creator Economy is no different.

There are 100s of other creators offering the EXACT same thing as you.

So, unless you have a way to position yourself as your client's ONLY option, you will lose them to the competition.

You must position everyone else as the "enemy".

And you must position yourself as your audience's "saviour".

This is how you build a brand which, truly, stands the fuck out.

Sound good to you?


Let's now break down the "limiting beliefs" holding you back from building a profitable online business...


Replacing Your 9-5 Income Can Happen A Lot Faster Than You Think

You just need the right strategy.

What has writing done for my life?

I'll show you:

6 months ago... I would wake up to an alarm telling me it was time for “another day in the office” (and that I needed to put on an uncomfortable suit).

Today, I can have a lie-in, wear whatever clothes I want, and start work at 10AM (if I want to).

6 months ago... I would spend nearly an hour every morning on a packed commute, which drained my energy and made me feel like shit for the whole day.

Today, I walk down to my favourite cafe, grab a coffee, and just start writing.

6 months ago... I would have to ask my boss' "permission" to go away on holiday, or to take the day off work.

Just 4 weeks before writing this... I jetted off to Sicily for 7 days simply because I fancied some time away (no "holiday request" needed, lol).

The best part?

I get paid between $10,000 and $15,000 every month to live this life, and it only took me 3-6 months to build it.

And if that sounds like a life you'd like for yourself..
Then, I have good news for you.


In the next 60-90 seconds, I am going to show you some of the other creators (just like you) I've helped achieve time and financial freedom too.

And I'm going to SHATTER any limiting beliefs you have about why you can't do the same...

Heythem Naji: From "dead broke" to $10,000/month Ghostwriter in under 10 weeks

You do NOT need have a stack of case studies to land $2,000-$5,000 clients.

How do I know?

Because when Heythem came to me he had:

And he was convinced it would take him YEARS to attract the high-ticket clients he wanted to work with.

But in under 3 months he:


A simple 3-step plan:

10 weeks.

One proven content strategy.

One $10,000/month brand.

It is an amazing thing to watch a young, ambitious guy go from “ground zero” to suddenly getting inbound leads from 8-Figure brands and 10k+ follower accounts, with just a few simple “tweaks” to his content strategy, offer and sales message.

Heythem absolutely crushed it.

And his results are due to his hard work, and his alone. 

I simply gave him the "tools" to make this possible.

Nicola Nguyen: From $0 to $12,000/month Brand Consultant In Under 5 Months

When Nicola came to me, he only had 500 followers.

And he found it hard to believe he’d be able to land $5,000+ deals if he wasn’t a 10k+ follower account.


We made it pretty fucking clear that was a load of BS.

Because Nicola:

The best part?

Nicola did all this while working a stressful 9-5 as a software developer (which meant he only had 2-3 hours per day to build his brand).


The exact same plan we used to take Heythem from $0 to $10,000/month (section above):

Step 1: Bulletproof Offer.
Step 2: Authority content.
Step 3: Sales-Driven Conversations.

It is fucking class to watch a young, hard-working guy go from zero clients to suddenly working with entrepreneurs earning $35,000,000/year simply by learning to position himself as an authority.

And, once again:

Nicola did all the hard work.

I simply gave him the "tools" to make this possible.

Tim Schreiber: From $0 to $3,000/month Brand Consultant In Under 45 Days

When I started working with Tim…

But there was a problem…

He still hadn’t landed a client.

And he was convinced his offer was the problem.

After all…

He kept hearing “I don’t have the money”, “I need to think about it” or… simply getting ghosted.

But what he didn’t understand?

His “offer problem” was a symptom of a deeper issue:

He didn’t have any authority.

And because of that, his clients didn’t trust he could deliver on his offer.

Well… we fixed that up real quick.

Because in just 45 days, Tim:

The best part?

Tim did all this despite a stressful 9-5 AND gruelling university schedule.

Just 1-2 hours per day was more an enough for Tim to replace his old 9-5 income in under 45 days (once he had the right strategy).

And, you guessed it...

We used the same system for Tim as we did for Heythem and Nicola:

Step 1: Bulletproof Offer.
Step 2: Authority content.
Step 3: Sales-Driven Conversations.And once more:

These results are Tim's, and Tim's alone.

I simply gave him the "tools" to make it possible.

Unlike Most Creators... My Content Strategies Actually Make People Money ($160,000 in under 6 months, to be exact)

Heythem went from "dead broke" to $10,000/month Ghostwriter in under 10 weeks.

"On the 22nd of February I sold my Instrument for 600 Euros just so I could afford Harry's consulting services.

10 weeks later? I've just hit my first $10,000 month. It's hard to put into words how much Harry has helped me with my content, copywriting and offers.

Nicola scaled his coaching business from $0 to $12,000/month in under 5 months.

"I was struggling to attract clients for my coaching business. I knew there was something "missing" from my content and offers but... I didn't know how to fix it.

After just 5 months working with Harry? I'm at $12,000/month (and I've even used his copywriting advice to help my own client land a $12,500 deal in under 40 days)."

Gil scaled a completely new brand from $0 to $9,000/MRR in under 90 days.

"I came to Harry with an entirely new business and only 300 followers. I needed someone who understood how to build and monetise an audience on social media.

In the past 3 months we've scaled from $0 to $9,000/MRR (and growing every day). If you want copywriting advice that works in the real world... Harry is your guy.

Introducing: Client Creator

The only course you need to build a profitable personal brand.

Client Creator is a premium course designed for ambitious creators who want to land high-ticket clients so they can replace their 9-5 income.

By the time you complete the course, you will know exactly how to:

Next, let me explain why Client Creator is not like most courses.

First, there is no "theory" here.

Every single thing inside this course is plucked straight from the only thing that matters:

Real world results, for real people.

Second, Client Creator is built for the “time poor” creator.

I built my brand while working an insanely stressful 9-5. And I understand you don't have 5+ hours to commit to building your business on the side.

I have therefore designed the course so that…

You can take
Client Creator in a single weekend and gain instant clarity on how to attract high-ticket clients from Day 1.

Finally, there are no "growth hacks" here.

I am giving you an evergreen skillset which will allow you to build a profitable online business no matter what "niche" you are in.

Scroll down to see everything you are getting access to today.


Your Client Acquisition Playbook

Hint: you don't need to be an expert.


Step 1: Crafting Your Bulletproof Offer

Use my 7-Step Bulletproof-Offer System to craft your own $2,000 offer in as little as 60 minutes (if you're struggling to figure out "what to offer" right now, I promise this will enlighten you).

Peep the video below to see how this system works:

Step 2: Attracting Inbound Leads

Attract 2-5 high-quality inbounds every day with the 60+ content "angles" inside my Client Acquisition Playbook which are specifically designed to establish your authority in ANY niche (no case studies or personal results required)

One of my clients who hit $4,000/month in 45 days recently described this playbook as "The Bomb".

Peep the video below to see how this system works:

Step 3: Converting Leads Into Clients

Effortlessly convert leads into clients with my Sales Pipeline Notion System that walks you through every DM from opener to closing the deal.

This system also makes it ridiculously easy to track all your leads so you don't lose them to your competitors (no more watching clients slip through your fingers because you couldn't keep track).

Watch the video below to see this system in action:

[Bonus] Discover the EXACT offer I used to land my first $2,500 Copywriting-Ghostwriting Client (without a single case study to my name)

If you're a copywriter, ghostwriter, email marketer or any other form of "freelancer"...

This document will be invaluable to you because it will show you how to write a killer proposal that is (almost) impossible to say no to.

You'll learn how to price your services.

You'll learn how to mitigate risk without relying on past results.

And you'll learn how to use copywriting techniques

I've spent 5+ hours hand-annotating this document to explain every nuance of crafting a winning freelance offer (and even given you a 20 minute video breakdown so you can understand ALL the nuances of how to draft your own $2,000+ proposal).

See the teaser below:

And if you’re wondering whether this system will work for you because you “don't have any case studies or personal results”...

I remind you:

I started from zero (just like you).

So did Heythem. So did Nicola. So did Tim. So did 90% of my other clients.

The only difference?

We know how to position ourselves an authority without spending 5+ years becoming a world-renowned expert.

By The End Of This Module

You will have a zero-fluff content system for attracting clients (not followers), and you'll be crystal clear on how to craft your own high-ticket offer.

"Before I worked with Harry, I had no idea how to position myself. 6 weeks later? I landed a $4,200 deal (at only 200 followers).

If you're just starting out and want to become an authority ASAP... Harry's your man."

Ravindra, Digital Writer

But let's face it...

Knowing what content to post is only ONE piece of the puzzle.

You also need to know how to write content.

And that's why I'm giving you access to these 3 "extra" modules to write content that makes people remember you...  


Your Scroll-Stopping
Hooks "Formula"

Before you land clients, people must first know you exist.

Your hook is the most important part of your content.

But... sometimes it's hard to know how to improve your hook. You can feel there's something "missing". But you don't know how to fix it.

That ends today.


  1. Turn even the biggest "snoozefest" of a hook into a scroll-stopper with my personal S.C.O.R.E hook-writing "formula" that you can apply in under 30 seconds (and which I've used to gain 6,000+ die-hard fans in under 8 months on Twitter)
  2. Access the 7 "banker" hook formats which consistently get high engagement on the timeline (if you find yourself constantly "umming and ahhing" over what hook to use, these will save you hours of precious time).
  3. Use the 18 "plug-and-play" tweet structures inside my Tweet Cookbook to make sure your ideas get the recognition they deserve (if you struggle to condense your ideas into a 280-character tweet, this will save you HOURS of time).

By The End Of This Module

You will have a simple, proven system for capturing attention on the timeline (rather than feeling like you're taking "shots in the dark" every time you post).

"I'd just spent 2 hours on a Twitter long form but... it flopped.
Harry helped me repost it with ONE small tweak to my hook. The result?
I got
240% more impressions on (almost) the exact same post!

If you want to get more eyes on your content, Harry's S.C.O.R.E Framework is a goldmine."

Aman, Twitter Ghostwriter


Build A Tribe Of Die-Hard Fans Ready To Buy

In a saturated market, your story is how you stand out.

The goal is NOT to simply have people read your content.

The goal is to have people remember you.

the longer you stay in people's mind, the more likely they will be BUY from you.

The solution?

Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your reader that lasts long after they've closed the Twitter app on their phone.


  1. A simple way to "pluck" story ideas from your everyday life... even if you think you don't have anything "interesting" to talk about (hint: you're looking in the wrong place)
  2. Slash your writing time by 50% (or more) with my ACTS Storytelling Framework to churn out stories that connect with your audience in 30 minutes or less (if it currently takes you 2+ hours to write long forms or emails, this will give you the structured, systematic approach to storytelling you've been searching for)
  3. Keep your readers hooked on your stories by incepting a "gap" in your reader's mind that compels them to keep reading (hint: there's 3 different ways to do this and, while I've seen some people talk about them before, I've never seen anyone break them down like this!)
  4. [BONUS] Steal my 3 "go-to" storytelling formats which turn strangers into die-hard fans (remember: you don't need 100 different templates, you need a few reliable "go-to's" which you can rinse-and-repeat over and over again).

By The End Of This Module

You will have a repeatable system for writing stories your audience can't stop thinking about (plus... you'll never struggle to come up with great story ideas again).

"Hey Harry. Just wanted to say your storytelling advice helped me write this post that's on its way to 100k impressions."

Matt, Digital Writer (with only 1,400 followers)


You might end up getting responses like this to your stories and emails...


Convert Followers Into Dollars

Learn the most valuable skill in 2024.

Copywriting is the highest leverage skill on earth.

Imagine being able to ping out a tweet, send a quick email, or whip together a simple offer document and know that you have pushed exactly the right  "buttons” to persuade people to follow, subscribe or buy from you.


  1. Land clients by using my "ROOT CAUSE" Copywriting System to position yourself as your client's only option (see screenshot below from a fellow creator who landed a high-ticket client using this EXACT system)
  2. Turn procrastinators into BUYERS with the 7 urgency and scarcity "fence wobblers" (if you have an email list with even 100 people, this will tease out the buyers lurking in there)
  3. The ONE question which you must always ask yourself when writing copy (until you have answered this, your reader will not buy)

Plus a metric fuck ton of other copywriting "goodies" inside.

See the screenshot below from a fellow creator who landed a client after I shared my "ROOT CAUSE" copywriting system with him:

By The End Of This Module

You will know exactly how to write high-ticket offers, emails and sales pages which tease out the buyers hiding in your audience.

"Harry helped me scale a completely new brand from $0 to $9,000/MRR in under 90 days. If you want copywriting strategies... he's your guy."

Gil Hildebrand, 7-Figure Founder

Click here to build your profitable brand today!

And because your follower count DOES impact the authority people perceive you with...

...I'm throwing in this Premium BONUS to help you understand ALL the nuances of building your audience on 𝕏

[PERMIUM BONUS]: 𝕏 Accelerator
(Value $197)

The EXACT Blueprint I used to gain 3,000+ followers in under 90 days
(while working a 9-5)

A proven system for "busy people" to grow on 𝕏 in 2024 (only 1-2 hours per day)


  • Profile Optimisation: 
    Optimise your Twitter profile for maximum growth in under 60 minutes (bio, pinned tweet, banner plus... 4 more "often-forgotten" profile components).
  • Full Content Roadmap from 0 to 3,000+ Followers
    Broken down into 3 distinct phases: (1) 0-1,000 followers, (2) 1,000-3,000 followers, and (3) 3,000+ followers (so you can jump in exactly where you’re at now!)
  • Optimal Tweet Schedule: Know exactly when and how many tweets to write to maximise your growth.
  • Engagement Mastery: How many comments? Which accounts should you comment on? What to comment? Your full engagement strategy laid out in explicit detail.
  • 3 Advanced Growth Strategies: Gain an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over 99% of creators by leveraging "under the radar" strategies that aren't about doing "more work" (I've heard lots of people talk about one of these, but... NEVER heard anyone teach the other two!).
  • Viral Thread Formula: Discover the one simple trick you're (probably) missing that will instantly get more retweets on your threads (remember: leveraging other creators' audience is the key to rapid growth without trading your time)
  • [BONUS] Never fall behind on content again: Get the exact Notion Planner I used to plan out my content and engagement while building my brand alongside a 9-5 (if you struggle to stay consistent with your content, this is a godsend!)


Here's Everything You're Getting Access To Today


By The End Of This Course

You will have everything you need to:

  • Establish your authority on social media (even if you aren't an "expert").
  • Land clients reliably and consistently because you will finally understand the art of copywriting, "positioning" and offers.
  • Grow your audience on social media so that you can build digital leverage and achieve the 3-4 hour workdays you're desperate for.

Here's what the 30+ creators I've helped monetise their brand had to say about my offer, content and copywriting systems...


You are only 3-6 months away from changing your life.

You have made it to this part of the page.

And that tells me one thing:

You have a burning desire to replace your 9-5 income with a life you actually enjoy.


Because here's how your life looks 3-6 months from now.

You wake up, without an alarm.

You spend your morning writing, without a boss leering over your shoulder.

You do some client work which you genuinely enjoy.

And then you are done.

You're free to hang out with friends, spend time pursuing your hobbies, or work on more projects that you love.

This is the life I have created for myself.

And this is the life I want you to achieve too.

I've spent over 500 hours (yes, genuinely) learning everything about how to monetise personal brands. I've woken up at 5:30AM for months on end. I've invested over $3,500 of my own money into learning the best content and copywriting strategies in the game. And I've hopped on over 100 calls with expert (and beginner) creators to understand exactly what you are struggling with the most when it comes to landing clients.

Now I am ready to give all those insights to you.

And I'm not going to "price anchor" you by telling you my consulting rate (it's expensive).

Instead, I'm simply going to remind you:

Today, you are getting an evergreen skillset which will help you replace your 9-5 income in the next 3-6 months, allow you to work from anywhere in the world, and never again spend your mornings stuck in traffic.

And you are getting all that for...

$297 only.

And I will remind you:

You are getting access to an evergreen skillset which WILL help you reliably, and consistently land $1,000-$5,000 deals.

I can't offer a better ROI than that.

Get access below:


Enrol before 25 August for FREE Implementation Workshop


Build a profitable creator business with a system that generates real world results.

✔️ [Module 1: Client Acquisition Playbook] Land high-ticket clients by becoming an authority in your niche.

✔️ [Module 2: Hooks] Avoid watching yet another post disappear into the social media "void".

✔️ [Module 3: Storytelling] Build a tribe of die-hard fans ready to buy simply "because it's you".

✔️ [Module 4: Copywriting] Convert followers into buyers.

✔️ [BONUS 1: X Accelerator] Get your first 3,000 followers in as little as 90 days ($97 value)

✔️ [BONUS 2: Tweet Swipe File] My personal Twitter Swipe File with 18 "plug-and-play" tweet structures ($97 value)

✔️ [BONUS 3: High-Ticket Offers]: Full video analysis of how I landed my first $2,500 client, plus... my exact offer document (valued at one consulting call, $499)

✔️ [BONUS 4: Lifetime Access] All future course updates (value: potentially $1000s)

🔒 [ZERO RISK GUARANTEE] 30 Day Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee (see below)


I'm throwing in a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

You have nothing to lose.

Go through the entire course...

Implement it...

And still aren't 100% completely satisfied it's worth (at least) 10x your investment after 30 days?


You will get a full refund - no questions asked.

All you've got to do?

Send me a quick email of your receipt with proof you've been through the course, and I will send every cent of your money back to you the very same day.

So... there is literally ZERO RISK to you TODAY.

PS. I've only ever had ONE person ask me for a refund on any of my products (and that's because she realised she'd already bought the course 2 months before!)

So, what are you waiting for...

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly am I getting?

You get a simple, 3-step process for monetising your audience via social media:

Step #1: Nail down a "hyper-profitable" niche which contains your ideal clients.
Step #2: Establish your authority so people trust you, and are 100x more likely to work with you.
Step #3: Craft your own $2,000 offer so you can replace your 9-5 income with just 3-4 clients.

Plus a bunch of scroll-stopping hook formulas to get maximum engagement, storytelling frameworks to build die-hard fans, and copywriting strategies to make sure your emails and offer documents convert.

Client Creator contains everything I've learned from scaling my brand to $15,000/month.

I've held absolutely nothing back, so that you too can build a profitable online business.

2. I have a 9-5, family or busy school schedule. How long will this take?

You can take the entire course in one weekend (an long evening if you are a quick learner).

I've deliberately made the course as compact as possible (without sacrificing any valuable insights) because I built my own brand while working a 9-5, and I understand better than almost anyone else the importance of cutting straight to the chase.

3. What happens after I pay?

As soon as you pay you'll get an email with your receipt and course login details. 10 seconds max. Then you can dive headfirst into all the gems inside.

4. Can you guarantee I will get results?

No course on earth can guarantee you results (and you should be very cautious of the people who do make such claims).

After all... I cannot force you to do the work. That is on you.

What I can guarantee you is that I am giving you every single insight I have learned from scaling my own brand to $15,000/month in under 6 months - I've left no stone unturned.

Plus... if you genuinely do hate it that much, you can always use the refund policy below.

5. Do I get lifetime access to the course? And will you keep it up-to-date?

Yes, to both.

This course will become my life's work, and every single thing I learn about writing content and copywriting will be aggregated inside.

Every month I will run a course "update" to improve the information inside based on feedback I have received, and to ensure any changes to social media platforms are accounted for.

6. Can I get a refund if I don't find the course useful?


If you read everything inside the course, show me you've implemented it and still aren't 100% satisfied after 30 days? 

You'll get a full refund - no questions asked.

(Just send me a quick email with your receipt and I'll have every cent of your money back to you the very same day).

PS. I've only ever had to issue one refund from someone on my courses (and that was because she realised she'd already bought the course before!)

PPS. I'm putting my trust in you here. I believe 99.9% of people are honest, and I know you'll respect the 100s of hours I've poured into this course to make it as useful as physically possible for you.

Okay you son of a b*tch. I'm in!