If you're tired of taking "shots in the dark". It's time to...

Discover The Missing "Puzzle Piece" Which Is Stopping Your Brand From Attracting High-Paying Clients and Customers

(No matter how many followers or case studies you have)

Watch The Video Below to Stand Head And Shoulders Above Other Creators So You Can Effortlessly Fill Your Brand With Loyal Clients and Customers Ready To Pay The High Price You're Worth:

Business is a game.

People are the players.

And if it feels like none of your "tactics" are working.

Then listen up.

Because I'm about to reveal to you:

The "missing" puzzle piece which is stopping you from building the business you've always dreamed of.

And I'll share it with you in a few seconds.

But first...

This is for you if:

  • ✓ You’re tired of waking up early and sacrificing time with your friends and family to write content... only for the wrong people to consume it
  • ✓ You’ve been posting content for months now but it feels like no-one's listening (and you’re starting to doubt whether you'll ever be free)
  • ✓ You’re fed up with giving away all your best ideas for free after busting your ass to build something genuinely valuable (but you don't know how to make other people see what you see).
  • ✓ You're always chasing after leads, trying to "convince" them to work with you, it's starting to burn you out, and you’d rather have clients come to you (since that would free up your precious time to work on stuff you truly enjoy)

If you do not resonate with any of the points above, you are free to leave — no hard feelings.

But if you do...

And you're wondering whether there's a better way

Then I’m here to tell you:

I have the answer to simplify the way you run your personal brand forever.

And it's these insights which have played a HUGE role in my ability to...

Earn over $200,000 in combined personal and client results in my first 10 months as a Creator.

PS. I hate Stripe screenshots. But I understand you might want to see proof.

Want to know more?

Keep reading.

Because you are invited to my...

Flip The Script

And this is for YOU if you're:

  • ✓ Building your personal brand alongside your 9-5 (and so you need to maximise the results you get from the 2-3 hours per day you have to dedicate towards your brand)
  • ✓ Copywriter, Ghostwriter, Email Marketer or any other type of “Freelancer” who wants to stand out from the 100s of other people offering a similar service (because right now it feels almost impossible to differentiate yourself)
  • ✓ Coach or Consultant who’s looking to escape the Money X bubble and start working with REAL business owners
  • ✓ Creator selling his own products or services and... you want to be able to charge higher prices which reflect the amount of effort and value you've POURED into them (rather than feeling like you constantly have to "low ball" yourself)

Sound like you?


Because this isn’t just about making landing clients a "breeze" so you can free yourself from the clutches of your 9-5 (though, of course, it will help you do that).

This is about securing a future which you finally have full control over (rather than feeling misunderstood, insecure and anxious, like you do right now).

So you can:

  • Stop "second-guessing" your bio, positioning and your offer every 2 days
  • Attract a loyal base of customers and clients who pay you handsomely for the value you provide
  • Finally feel "at peace" knowing you've built a brand which has no competition

That is what I'm offering you today:

YES! I Want To Turn My Brand From An Endless Grind Into Something I Love!
PS. Doors close midnight 28th September


99% of Personal Brands Are Playing
Losing Game

But it's not too late to take back control.

Online business is an awesome journey.

But when I look at the state of most entrepreneurs, I see 3 key things:

  • Most entrepreneurs are on the brink of burnout
  • Most entrepreneurs are stuck charging low prices (often no more than $500/month)
  • Most entrepreneurs have amazing value to offer but... they're caught in a "rat race" to the bottom because they don't understand what it truly means to "stand out" (and no, it doesn't have anything to do with your banner, colour scheme or anything else the gurus on X tell you to focus on)

But here's the thing.

It's not because they aren't talented.

It's not because they aren't "worth it" or "good enough".

And it's not because they don't work hard enough (most creators work like fucking trojans in my experience).

It's because...

They're so focused on their "offer" but they don't realise it's NOT about what you offer (it's about how position it)

After all...

Anyone can offer "I'll get you 20 highly-qualified leads in the next 90 days... or you don't pay".

But you've probably already tried that.

It didn't work.

And now you've convinced yourself that "I can't land clients because I don't have any proof!"

But, if that were true...

How would ANYONE land their first client? (we all start from zero, after all).

And what's more...

Why is it that even when you offer to work for FREE... people still aren't interested?

And now you're stuck with a brand where...

Every day feels like a bigger struggle than the 9-5 you're supposed to be leaving behind.

That all changes TODAY.

Because once you understand the TRUE meaning of positioning (and I mean the TRUE meaning, which I've had to spend the past 10 months "extracting" from the best marketers in the game).

You will realise that:

It doesn't have to be this way

You can build a brand where landing client becomes effortless, rather than an endless struggle.

Because I've seen, first hand, the surprising difference ONE simple tweak to someone's positioning can make (after struggling for months to make any meaningful progress).

It's like a "lightbulb" switches on and, suddenly, you're no longer competing with the rest of the market.

You suddenly have
full control over who you work with.

And you start building a loyal customer and client base who are not only willing to pay the high price you're worth... but will do so without a moment's hesitation.

But don't just take my word for it...


Let's Look At How A Few Simple Tweaks To These Three Creator's Positioning Transformed Their Entire Business Practically Overnight.

And how you might be able to do the same.

First up...

[Heythem Naji] From "dead broke" to $10,000/month Ghostwriter in under 10 weeks

Heythem had been trying for MONTHS to "make it" as a Ghostwriter.

But he felt confused about how to do this (since he didn't have a stack of case studies, social proof or "authority" with only 300 followers).

And not only was he struggling to find potential clients, but even he did find one... they weren't interested!

But with a simple "pivot" to his positioning?

He landed his first $1,500 client just 48 hours later.

Then he landed his next two "big" clients in just 7 days.

And just 10 weeks later... he hit his first $10,000 month! (well, technically he hit his first $10,000 DAY, but who's counting).

It is an amazing thing to watch a young, ambitious guy transform from being completely confused about his brand (and unable to show people the immense value he had to offer) to suddenly getting inbound leads from 8-Figure brands and 10k+ follower accounts, simply by learning to show the value he had to offer.

Heythem absolutely crushed it.

And his results are due to his hard work, and his alone. 

I simply gave him the "tools" to make this possible:

[Ravindra] From struggling to write his bio to scooping up a $4,200 deal in just 6 short weeks.

Not the biggest win ever.

But I'm sure if you'd been stuck for MONTHS and suddenly watched $4,200 spike in your Stripe account, you'd be over the moon.

And that's exactly where Ravindra was.

‍He'd convinced himself that because he was a "newbie" creator with only 200 followers (and without a bunch of case studies), that it would take him forever to land his dream clients clients.

But just 6 weeks later?

Well, I'll let Ravindra tell you:

It is incredible to see a guy who, just weeks before, had been "on the brink of giving up" on the business he dreamed of (and resigning himself to the 9-5 he felt trapped in) finally reap the rewards of all the hard work he put in.

And now it's your turn:

[Gil Hildebrand] From $0 to $9,000/MRR (that's recurring revenue) In Under 90 Days

Gil was stuck.

He was bringing an entirely NEW product to market.

But he'd seen little traction, and was unsure how to build a loyal customer base (since he had ZERO social proof and only 300 followers).

Yet, in just 90 days we were able to scale from $0 → $9,000/MRR because we were able to position his product as the ONLY option for the small audience he did have:

Again — the power of laser-focused positioning.

And I know "positioning" might feel like a marketing buzzword.

But all positioning really is?

Positioning simply means showing you understand your client or customer's SPECIFIC situation better than anybody else.

Which is easy to say.

But until you've seen it with your own eyes, it can be INCREDIBLY hard to understand what that "looks like".


I hope you can see from the variety of people I've helped dial in their positioning (Ghostwriters, SaaS Founders, SEO optimisation folks, yada yada yada)...

The fundamental principles of positioning apply to ANY brand, business or offer (including yours).

And I hope you can also see...

The profound CONTROL you have over your ability to land high-paying clients and customers once you've dialled in your positioning.

So if you're tired of feeling like you're always taking "shots in dark" with your content and positioning.

Then you're in the right place.

Because today, I am offering you:

A "way out" of the endless cycle of confusion you find yourself in every day, and a "path" towards complete clarity.

The VITAL marketing concept that's taken me 10+ months of headaches and obsession to understand (but which is the biggest reason I've been able to make over $200,000 in sales) can become yours in a matter of seconds.

Because my goal is simple:

To accelerate your journey to building the business you've always dreamed of.

And if that's what you'd like.

Then I'm ready to show you the way:

Introducing: Flip The Script

Your Fast-Track To Becoming One Of The Most Sought-After Businesses On The Internet

Flip The Script is not like most workshops.

First, there is no "theory" here.

Every single thing inside this workshop is plucked straight from the only thing that matters:

Real world results, for real people.

Second, there is no "fluff" here.

I have packed the workshop full of real-life examples so you can literally SEE how positioning works with your very own eyes.

Finally, this is a timeless asset.

I am giving you lifetime access to the most important marketing lesson you will EVER learn (yes, I really mean that) if your goal is to effortlessly attract your Dream Clients and customers no matter what "niche" you are in.

Scroll down to see everything you are getting access to today:


Here’s EXACTLY what you're getting access to

With over $200,000 in results to back it up.

You'll discover:

  • The crucial difference between your "brand positioning" and "offer positioning" and why this simple lesson will change the way you approach your business forever (I learned this from an 8-Figure marketer and I'm not joking when I say… it was the biggest "lightbulb" moment I've EVER experienced)
  • Fix your profile so you stand out in a “sea” of other creators and personal brands (hint: it's NOT about saying "20 high-quality leads in the next 90 days - or you don't pay" like every other fucker on Twitter... it's about showing you understand your Dream Client's problem better than anybody else) 
  • Why trying to be "the best" Copywriter, Email Marketer, Ghostwriter or any other type of Freelancer is a FOOL'S GAME and TOTALLY UNNECESSARY because... all you really need to be is "the best for your client" (I'll show you how I've used this subtle mindset shift to help people hit their first $3,000 month in as little as 7 days, after MONTHS of spinning their wheels)
  • How even newer creators with ZERO proof can land high-ticket clients by positioning themselves as the right person for the job (once you can show people this, they won't give a damn whether you have 100 followers or 100,000)
  • Charge higher prices without your clients or customers batting an eye (because the ROI you have to offer will be clear as day)
  • "Flip the script" so that instead of always being the one ... it's them coming to YOU (you'll have YOUR pick of who you work with rather than being accept anyone who will take you)
  • Revolutionise how you serve your own clients and customers because, truth be told... they're probably confused about their positioning too! (but you'll be able to "enlighten" them, which will keep them coming back for months, or maybe even years, to come!) 

I do not say this lightly:

This workshop could be the difference between you spinning your wheels for the next 6 months and eventually giving up on your dreams, versus finally owning a business where YOU call the shots.


How Much Is Having Full Control Over The Clients You Work With, The Prices You Charge, And Your Brand's Future Worth To You?

Because, remember:

You're not getting a "workshop" today.

You're getting:

  • No more feeling like no-one gives a shit about your content
  • No more second-guessing your bio, banner or "funnel" every day
  • No more fighting to land clients (or working for scraps)

But, most importantly...

No more gazing out the window at work dreaming of the day you'll be able to walk out the door for the last time (but with no idea when that will be)

And because of all that, I don't need to “price anchor” you with my consulting rate (it’s expensive).

Instead, here’s the deal:

$97 only.

And, look at it this way –

You get to keep the evergreen “gems” inside this workshop forever... and which will pay you huge dividends for years to come (since I’ll be sending you the live recording).


If you land even ONE high-ticket client from the insights you gain, you’ll get an INSTANT 10x ROI (minimum).

And that's not to mention the huge boost in trust and authority you'll experience from your audience, clients and customers.

Sound like a fair trade? Great.

Here's your invite:


Doors Close at Midnight 28th September

$97 only

Take full control of your ability to land your Dream Clients, charge higher prices and finally escape the never-ending cycle of confusion you feel trapped in.

✔️ [Workshop] Stand out in ANY market by learning the TRUE meaning of positioning.

✔️ [LIFETIME ACCESS] Go over the workshop in your own time as many times as you need until it "sinks in".

✔️ [LIMITED FREE BONUS] Personalised profile, content and DM strategy review by yours truly (4/10 slots left).

🔒 [ZERO RISK GUARANTEE] Not just your money back, but your time too! (see below for details).


I'll Not Only Give You A 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee... I'll Pay Your 9-5 Hourly Rate To Compensate You For Your Time

Can't say fairer than that.

I want you to feel 100% safe in your investment.


Attend the workshop...

Implement it...

And still aren't 100% completely convinced it's worth (at least) 10x your investment after 14 days?


You will get a full refund - no questions asked.

But not only that.

Because I'll also...

Pay you your 9-5's hourly rate (up to $50/hour) to compensate you for your time.


There is

No other creator would offer you this.
But that's because I know you'll fucking LOVE what I have to share with you.

Because when I learned the TRUE art of positioning (not some internet guru BS)?

Blew my f*cking mind.

And now it's your turn:

So, what are you waiting for...

YES! I Want To Flip The Script And Have Clients Come To Me (RISK FREE)!
Doors close Midnight 28th September

PS. I've NEVER had anyone ask me for a refund on my workshops, but I want you to feel 100% safe in your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly am I getting?

10AM-12AM CST @ 29 September (Sunday).

The workshop will run for 2 hours.

But we will run over if needed – I want to make sure you leave with ALL your doubts, confusion and stresses resolved.

2. What if I can’t attend the workshop live?

No worries.

You’ll get the 2-Hour LIVE recording (so you can go over it in your own time, as many times as you need).

3. What exactly will be included in the workshop?


I’ll spend the first 60 minutes showing you EXACTLY how to reposition your brand and content (with real-life examples) so that you can finally escape the creator "rat race".

Then I’ll open up the floor to ROAST your content and outreach strategies.

4. What happens after I pay?

You'll instantly be invited to the Zoom meet for the workshop (10AM-12AM CST @ Sunday, 29 Sept).

And if you're one of the 10 people who "snag" personalised positioning and content reviews, I'll send you an email request to tell me what you want me to review on the workshop.

5. Can you guarantee I will get results?

Absolutely not.

After all... I cannot force you to do the work. That is on you.

What I can guarantee you is that I am giving you lifetime access to the single most valuable lesson in marketing, branding and offers I have ever learned (and which has been the biggest factor in delivering over $200,000 in combined personal and client results in the past 9 months alone).

Plus... if you don't find it useful, you'll get a full refund. No risk whatsoever (see FAQ 7 below).

6. Do I get lifetime access to the workshop?

You bet.

You'll be able to rewatch the entire thing as many times as you need from the comfort of your own home until your standout positioning is absolutely crystal clear in your mind.

7. Can I get a refund if I don't find the workshop useful?

Attend the workshop and don't think it was worth your money? 

You'll get a full refund AND I'll compensate you for your time based on your 9-5 hourly rate (up to $50/hr) - no questions asked.

(Just send me a quick email with your receipt and I'll have every cent of your money back to you the very same day).

PS.I've NEVER had anyone ask me for a refund on my workshops, but I want you to feel 100% safe in your investment.

PPS. I'm putting my trust in you here. I believe 99.9% of people are honest, and I know you'll respect the blood, sweat and tears I've poured into this workshop to make it as useful as physically possible for you.

Okay you son of a b*tch. I'm in!