8 months of insights into what's REALLY waiting for you as an entrepreneur

8 months of insights into what's REALLY waiting for you as an entrepreneur

Jul 11

I don’t know when you’ll need this email.

It could be today. It could be next week. It could be 6 months from now.

All I know is this:

One day… you’re going to find yourself staring at a Notion document, writing an email or sending yet another DM to try and close a client (only for them to ghost you and leave you feeling like a complete and utter failure for the 137th time that week).

And then you’re going to take a step back and ask yourself:

What is the point?
What am I even doing?
This is NOT what I signed up for.

You wanted a better life.

You wanted something more.

You wanted to escape your old prison (not pile the bricks around yourself).

In fact…

If you’re (truly) honest with yourself, it was never even about the money.

You don’t care about hitting $50k/month (or anything crazy like that).

You just want to be able to wake up, grab a coffee, write some dope shit, call it a day and then go out to dinner with your family or partner without giving a fuck what number the waiter passes you on that little bit of carbon paper at the end of your meal.


You have none of that right now.

Every day is a struggle.

Your content feels meaningless. The 6AM rises? They’re starting to slip. Every time you sit down to write? All you want to do is close your laptop. Walks aren’t helping. Books are no good. 5-10 pages in and you find yourself reaching for your phone. The words won’t flow. Everyone’s shouting at you but… you don’t care.

There’s a resistance.

You don’t know why.

And, what’s worse…

You don’t know how to fix it.

This is NOT writer’s block.

You can think of ideas. You just don’t want to punch the keys.

This is NOT burnout.

You’re not overworked. You’re not overly stressed.

You simply feel lost.

You’re in the middle of the forest. No-one’s around to show you the way. And all you want to do is give up this stupid game that causes you nothing but stress, headaches and is even starting to make it difficult to sleep at night because… the words you didn’t get down on the page today are now whirring infront of your closed eyes like broken lines of computer code.

But it gets worse.

Because this isn’t just any forest.

This is a forest where, even though there’s no-one around, all you can hear are the cries of other people taunting you with what you’re searching for.

“My tweet just went viral!”

“I just hit 5,000 followers!”

“I just hit my first $10k month!”

You’re constantly, relentlessly and aggressively tormented by the life you could have had, but don’t know how to get.

I am here to tell you a secret.

Behind all those victories?

A creator just as lost as you.

How do I know?

Because I have objectively “made it” as a creator. I have built a skillset which allows me to create value and then… turn this into money (almost) whenever I want.

I understand human psychology. I know how to trigger it (responsibly). And I’m able to teach others how to do the same.

And yet still…

My entrepreneurial life is a constant flip-flop between “fuck, I’m good” and “Jesus Christ, I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing, get me out of here”. One minute you’re the greatest man alive. The next, all you can think about is running.

Every morning you wake up and there’s a slight, lingering dread that you’re about to see a message pop up on your phone with a problem you have no idea how to solve (and no-one to show you how).

It’s agonising.

I remind you again - other “successful” creators will tell you they have it all figured out. They do not. No-one does.

That is quite literally the definition of entrepreneurship.

To spend your entire life grasping in the unknown and be totally and utterly okay with that.

If you want an easy life, you are on the wrong path (I can promise you that).

The headaches never cease.

The problems never end.

You just solve different ones.

Where once I used to bang my head against the table trying to grow my audience, now I stress about finding copywriting angles, how the fuck to set up automations, build products, write sales pages and, on top of all that, create content for you.

And I know full well that as soon as I solve these problems… new ones will emerge.

That is the game.

I’m under no illusions.

You shouldn’t be either.

So, then the question becomes…

Why go through ALL this in the first place?

Why do all the early mornings?

Why put yourself through all the mental torture and stress?

Why go through the agony of building something of your own, when you can just join something that someone else has already built?

There’s only ONE reason:

Your story.

Because in 30-40 years’ time, when you’re looking back on your life, you’ll be able to watch the action replay. The full scoop - no detail missed.

Everyone else will have memories that fade with time.

But you?

You’ll have a legacy, etched in digital ink.

And those times that seem so hard right now?

You’ll be able to read through them in graphic detail with nothing but nostalgia, fondness and pride at the person you became along the way.


The next time you’re sat there, staring at your computer screen wondering “what the fuck is the point” and whether you should just call it quits and return to your old, boring (but easy) life?

Remember this:

The more shit you go through today, the more people will show up to the box office hit you’re filming over the next 30-40 years.

After all…

You don’t have a story to tell.

You have a story to create.

Talk soon,


PS. If you’re struggling today (in life or in business), I hope this email helps. I really do.

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Harry Beadle
Harry Beadle

Harry is the founder and creator for the site. His aim is to help you achieve mastery of your life through physical fitness, financial independence, optimising your lifestyle and productivity, and developing a top 1% male mindset and confidence.

8 months of insights into what's REALLY waiting for you as an entrepreneur

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8 months of insights into what's REALLY waiting for you as an entrepreneur

July 11, 2024

I don’t know when you’ll need this email.

It could be today. It could be next week. It could be 6 months from now.

All I know is this:

One day… you’re going to find yourself staring at a Notion document, writing an email or sending yet another DM to try and close a client (only for them to ghost you and leave you feeling like a complete and utter failure for the 137th time that week).

And then you’re going to take a step back and ask yourself:

What is the point?
What am I even doing?
This is NOT what I signed up for.

You wanted a better life.

You wanted something more.

You wanted to escape your old prison (not pile the bricks around yourself).

In fact…

If you’re (truly) honest with yourself, it was never even about the money.

You don’t care about hitting $50k/month (or anything crazy like that).

You just want to be able to wake up, grab a coffee, write some dope shit, call it a day and then go out to dinner with your family or partner without giving a fuck what number the waiter passes you on that little bit of carbon paper at the end of your meal.


You have none of that right now.

Every day is a struggle.

Your content feels meaningless. The 6AM rises? They’re starting to slip. Every time you sit down to write? All you want to do is close your laptop. Walks aren’t helping. Books are no good. 5-10 pages in and you find yourself reaching for your phone. The words won’t flow. Everyone’s shouting at you but… you don’t care.

There’s a resistance.

You don’t know why.

And, what’s worse…

You don’t know how to fix it.

This is NOT writer’s block.

You can think of ideas. You just don’t want to punch the keys.

This is NOT burnout.

You’re not overworked. You’re not overly stressed.

You simply feel lost.

You’re in the middle of the forest. No-one’s around to show you the way. And all you want to do is give up this stupid game that causes you nothing but stress, headaches and is even starting to make it difficult to sleep at night because… the words you didn’t get down on the page today are now whirring infront of your closed eyes like broken lines of computer code.

But it gets worse.

Because this isn’t just any forest.

This is a forest where, even though there’s no-one around, all you can hear are the cries of other people taunting you with what you’re searching for.

“My tweet just went viral!”

“I just hit 5,000 followers!”

“I just hit my first $10k month!”

You’re constantly, relentlessly and aggressively tormented by the life you could have had, but don’t know how to get.

I am here to tell you a secret.

Behind all those victories?

A creator just as lost as you.

How do I know?

Because I have objectively “made it” as a creator. I have built a skillset which allows me to create value and then… turn this into money (almost) whenever I want.

I understand human psychology. I know how to trigger it (responsibly). And I’m able to teach others how to do the same.

And yet still…

My entrepreneurial life is a constant flip-flop between “fuck, I’m good” and “Jesus Christ, I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing, get me out of here”. One minute you’re the greatest man alive. The next, all you can think about is running.

Every morning you wake up and there’s a slight, lingering dread that you’re about to see a message pop up on your phone with a problem you have no idea how to solve (and no-one to show you how).

It’s agonising.

I remind you again - other “successful” creators will tell you they have it all figured out. They do not. No-one does.

That is quite literally the definition of entrepreneurship.

To spend your entire life grasping in the unknown and be totally and utterly okay with that.

If you want an easy life, you are on the wrong path (I can promise you that).

The headaches never cease.

The problems never end.

You just solve different ones.

Where once I used to bang my head against the table trying to grow my audience, now I stress about finding copywriting angles, how the fuck to set up automations, build products, write sales pages and, on top of all that, create content for you.

And I know full well that as soon as I solve these problems… new ones will emerge.

That is the game.

I’m under no illusions.

You shouldn’t be either.

So, then the question becomes…

Why go through ALL this in the first place?

Why do all the early mornings?

Why put yourself through all the mental torture and stress?

Why go through the agony of building something of your own, when you can just join something that someone else has already built?

There’s only ONE reason:

Your story.

Because in 30-40 years’ time, when you’re looking back on your life, you’ll be able to watch the action replay. The full scoop - no detail missed.

Everyone else will have memories that fade with time.

But you?

You’ll have a legacy, etched in digital ink.

And those times that seem so hard right now?

You’ll be able to read through them in graphic detail with nothing but nostalgia, fondness and pride at the person you became along the way.


The next time you’re sat there, staring at your computer screen wondering “what the fuck is the point” and whether you should just call it quits and return to your old, boring (but easy) life?

Remember this:

The more shit you go through today, the more people will show up to the box office hit you’re filming over the next 30-40 years.

After all…

You don’t have a story to tell.

You have a story to create.

Talk soon,


PS. If you’re struggling today (in life or in business), I hope this email helps. I really do.

Harry Beadle