How to have 96 hours in your day (as a creator)

How to have 96 hours in your day (as a creator)

Jul 4

I’ll get back to that idea in a minute.

But first…

A story.

I’m sat in my office (ahhh... the good ol’ 9-5 days before I figured out how to WRITE and make money online).

I’m slumped at my desk.

Twitter app open on my phone in front of me (constantly checking over my shoulder to see if my boss is looking so I can quickly tuck it away).

I’m staring, glued, at one of my favourite creator’s tweets.

And all I can think to myself is…

How the fuck has he HELD my attention like that?

Guided me down the page.

Glued me to my phone.

Given me an itch I simply can’t help but scratch.

Why was this so baffling to me?

Well, because…

I’ve just spent over a MONTH tweeting straight into the VOID.

Not one single person seems to give a shit what I’m talking about.

My ideas? Irrelevant.

My story? Unremarkable.

All the hours and effort I’ve poured into writing (what I thought was) good content? Who gives a flying fuck.

That's how I felt, at least.

And that is a BIG problem.


Because at this point…  

I NEED to get out of this shithole.

I cannot stand one more day staring at Excel spreadsheets, sitting in stupid fucking meetings or spending over an hour on a packed commute home I’ve just spent 8+ hours trapped in a concrete block.

I’m in “fuck it” mode.

I need answers. And I need them NOW.

So… what do I do?

I go onto this creator’s blog.

I look at the course he’s selling.

It’s $97.

My brain is WHIRRING with doubt.

Is it going to be worth my money? ($97 felt like a big investment at the time, lol)

Do I buy?

Surely I can work this out on my own without paying? (the past month of almost non-existent progress would suggest otherwise…)

I’m hovering over the button.

Finger twitching.

Fuck it.

I am NOT spending yet another month taking SHOTS IN THE DARK with no fucking clue how to write content people will read.

I don’t have time for that.

I’ve literally got 1 hour every morning to write. That’s it. If I’m not getting the absolute MAXIMUM out of that time, it could be YEARS before I make this thing work.

I need out of this job NOW.


If the course does suck? I’ll just use the money back guarantee. The guy is reputable so I know it’ll be no hassle.


It’s a weird feeling when you buy anything online.

You’ve heard so many stories of people getting scammed that even though you’re 99% sure you’ve just gotten access to something great… there’s still nagging doubt in the back of your mind.

Has he just fucked me over?

I’m about to find out…

5 minutes later? I had my answer.

Fuck. Me. 

I’m going to try not to overdo it here.


I cannot describe the mental relief you experience when you get unfiltered access into a creator’s brain who has been in the game for 6+ months longer than you.

Someone who has tackled all the struggles you are going through right NOW.

Someone who has the exact ANSWERS you’re searching for.

And, better yet…

He’s laid them out in one, crystal clear roadmap for you to simply STEAL.

The dots start to connect.

All the neurons in your brain start firing like crazy.

It’s honestly like a lightbulb goes off in your brain.


Not only could I see EXACTLY where I’d been going wrong with my writing up to this point.

But now?

I knew how to FIX it. Instantly.

Genuinely incredible what a difference leveraging someone else’s experience can do for you.

And that brings us onto the topic of today’s email:


Maximising the REWARD you get for the time you put in.

That’s what we all want, no?

Minimal effort, maximum results.

I wasted WEEKS of my precious time making fuck all progress simply because I refused to accept that other creators could ACCELERATE my progress.

I knew this was true. I’d heard it 100x before.

But I was too stubborn.

So much time wasted.

And for what?

A few bucks.

So dumb looking back now.

Because here’s the thing…

When you get access to insights from a creator 1-2 steps ahead of you in the game, you aren’t just buying their experience

You are buying TIME.

You know… the ONE thing you don’t have right now.

You have a job.

You have school.

You have a family.

You do NOT have time to waste.

You need to get the absolute MAXIMUM out of every single hour of your day (unless you plan on waiting for MONTHS or even YEARS before you build a business that gives you the freedom you’re searching for)..

And as soon as I started had that epiphany?

My progress exploded.

I literally 4x’d my outputs.

Because now I was no longer stuck working things out on my own.

Instead of having just 24 hours in a day?

I felt like I had 4x that (that’s 96 if you don’t have a calculator to hand right now).

And it hasn’t worked out too bad…

  1. Quit my depressing 9-5
  2. 6,000 followers (almost)
  3. Earned over $60,000 from writing online

All in the past 6 months.

But if I’d kept banging my head against the table trying to figure everything out on my own?

I don’t know where I’d be exactly. But I’d be a lot further behind. That’s for sure.

Leveraging other creator’s time has been, without a doubt, the single biggest CHEAT CODE in my entire journey.

For example…

Do you know how to insert misdirects into your stories to stop people dropping off half-way through? Do you know WHERE to insert them?

I didn’t. Now I do. I’ve solved that problem.

Do you know how to incept a payoff in your reader’s mind so that REGARDLESS of what story you’re telling, they will read until the end? (remember: if you want people to get EYES on your OFFER, you need them to reach the END of your story).

Good news. I’ve solved that problem too.

Do you have a BANK of proven storytelling formats that you can tap into ON COMMAND (without having to sit there, typing out and deleting the same 2 lines for hours on end)?

I do.

I have solved ALL these storytelling problems (and a fuck ton more too).

And that is why today I am NOT offering you storytelling.


I am offering you LEVERAGE.

My leverage.

  • 8+ months of writing experience
  • 500+ hours of trial-and-error
  • Countless 5:30am rises banging my head against the table trying to figure out how the fuck to write good stories

And you are MORE than welcome to go through all that too.

You can bang your head against the table.

You can sit there, staring at the Twitter app on your phone trying to figure out why yet another tweet has flopped (even after you spent HOURS trying to make it).


You can SKIP all that.

You can LEVERAGE my knowledge.

And you can LEAPFROG all the creators you’re secretly jealous of because you can’t quite work out how the fuck they’re growing (while your follower count is barely creeping up each day).


You need to ACT NOW.


Because my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling no longer fits my offer stack.

And so…

In 48 hours I am going to DELETE this product FOREVER.

It will be GONE.

I will NEVER bring it back.

And you will be left wondering what gems you missed out on.

Gems like…

  1. The 3 plug-and-play storytelling templates which I use to write these emails in just 30-60 minutes every single day (plus added commentary so you can see EXACTLY how to slot YOUR own stories into these).
  2. My 4-step system to structuring stories to TRIGGER an itch in your reader’s brain from the very first line (so they can’t help but read until the end)
  3. How to live RENT FREE in your audience’s mind by turning even the biggest snoozefest of a story into one your followers can’t stop thinking about (result: they become die-hard fans who, at some point, will BUY your stuff)

And as a BONUS, you’ll even get…

My 5 “banker” tweet frameworks which I absolutely ABUSE to gain, on average, 30+ new followers every single day (if you feel like every tweet you write SPIRALS into a long form and you don’t know how to condense your ideas into 280 characters, this is your answer).

Oh, and just to make this even more of a “no-brainer” for you…

Get the course…

Read it…

And don’t think it’s worth 10x your money MINIMUM?

I will wire every single cent of your money back the very same day. No questions asked.

There is literally ZERO RISK to you.

So… what are you waiting for?

Start writing BANGER stories TODAY (before I NUKE this link forever in 48 hours)

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How to have 96 hours in your day (as a creator)

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How to have 96 hours in your day (as a creator)

July 4, 2024

I’ll get back to that idea in a minute.

But first…

A story.

I’m sat in my office (ahhh... the good ol’ 9-5 days before I figured out how to WRITE and make money online).

I’m slumped at my desk.

Twitter app open on my phone in front of me (constantly checking over my shoulder to see if my boss is looking so I can quickly tuck it away).

I’m staring, glued, at one of my favourite creator’s tweets.

And all I can think to myself is…

How the fuck has he HELD my attention like that?

Guided me down the page.

Glued me to my phone.

Given me an itch I simply can’t help but scratch.

Why was this so baffling to me?

Well, because…

I’ve just spent over a MONTH tweeting straight into the VOID.

Not one single person seems to give a shit what I’m talking about.

My ideas? Irrelevant.

My story? Unremarkable.

All the hours and effort I’ve poured into writing (what I thought was) good content? Who gives a flying fuck.

That's how I felt, at least.

And that is a BIG problem.


Because at this point…  

I NEED to get out of this shithole.

I cannot stand one more day staring at Excel spreadsheets, sitting in stupid fucking meetings or spending over an hour on a packed commute home I’ve just spent 8+ hours trapped in a concrete block.

I’m in “fuck it” mode.

I need answers. And I need them NOW.

So… what do I do?

I go onto this creator’s blog.

I look at the course he’s selling.

It’s $97.

My brain is WHIRRING with doubt.

Is it going to be worth my money? ($97 felt like a big investment at the time, lol)

Do I buy?

Surely I can work this out on my own without paying? (the past month of almost non-existent progress would suggest otherwise…)

I’m hovering over the button.

Finger twitching.

Fuck it.

I am NOT spending yet another month taking SHOTS IN THE DARK with no fucking clue how to write content people will read.

I don’t have time for that.

I’ve literally got 1 hour every morning to write. That’s it. If I’m not getting the absolute MAXIMUM out of that time, it could be YEARS before I make this thing work.

I need out of this job NOW.


If the course does suck? I’ll just use the money back guarantee. The guy is reputable so I know it’ll be no hassle.


It’s a weird feeling when you buy anything online.

You’ve heard so many stories of people getting scammed that even though you’re 99% sure you’ve just gotten access to something great… there’s still nagging doubt in the back of your mind.

Has he just fucked me over?

I’m about to find out…

5 minutes later? I had my answer.

Fuck. Me. 

I’m going to try not to overdo it here.


I cannot describe the mental relief you experience when you get unfiltered access into a creator’s brain who has been in the game for 6+ months longer than you.

Someone who has tackled all the struggles you are going through right NOW.

Someone who has the exact ANSWERS you’re searching for.

And, better yet…

He’s laid them out in one, crystal clear roadmap for you to simply STEAL.

The dots start to connect.

All the neurons in your brain start firing like crazy.

It’s honestly like a lightbulb goes off in your brain.


Not only could I see EXACTLY where I’d been going wrong with my writing up to this point.

But now?

I knew how to FIX it. Instantly.

Genuinely incredible what a difference leveraging someone else’s experience can do for you.

And that brings us onto the topic of today’s email:


Maximising the REWARD you get for the time you put in.

That’s what we all want, no?

Minimal effort, maximum results.

I wasted WEEKS of my precious time making fuck all progress simply because I refused to accept that other creators could ACCELERATE my progress.

I knew this was true. I’d heard it 100x before.

But I was too stubborn.

So much time wasted.

And for what?

A few bucks.

So dumb looking back now.

Because here’s the thing…

When you get access to insights from a creator 1-2 steps ahead of you in the game, you aren’t just buying their experience

You are buying TIME.

You know… the ONE thing you don’t have right now.

You have a job.

You have school.

You have a family.

You do NOT have time to waste.

You need to get the absolute MAXIMUM out of every single hour of your day (unless you plan on waiting for MONTHS or even YEARS before you build a business that gives you the freedom you’re searching for)..

And as soon as I started had that epiphany?

My progress exploded.

I literally 4x’d my outputs.

Because now I was no longer stuck working things out on my own.

Instead of having just 24 hours in a day?

I felt like I had 4x that (that’s 96 if you don’t have a calculator to hand right now).

And it hasn’t worked out too bad…

  1. Quit my depressing 9-5
  2. 6,000 followers (almost)
  3. Earned over $60,000 from writing online

All in the past 6 months.

But if I’d kept banging my head against the table trying to figure everything out on my own?

I don’t know where I’d be exactly. But I’d be a lot further behind. That’s for sure.

Leveraging other creator’s time has been, without a doubt, the single biggest CHEAT CODE in my entire journey.

For example…

Do you know how to insert misdirects into your stories to stop people dropping off half-way through? Do you know WHERE to insert them?

I didn’t. Now I do. I’ve solved that problem.

Do you know how to incept a payoff in your reader’s mind so that REGARDLESS of what story you’re telling, they will read until the end? (remember: if you want people to get EYES on your OFFER, you need them to reach the END of your story).

Good news. I’ve solved that problem too.

Do you have a BANK of proven storytelling formats that you can tap into ON COMMAND (without having to sit there, typing out and deleting the same 2 lines for hours on end)?

I do.

I have solved ALL these storytelling problems (and a fuck ton more too).

And that is why today I am NOT offering you storytelling.


I am offering you LEVERAGE.

My leverage.

  • 8+ months of writing experience
  • 500+ hours of trial-and-error
  • Countless 5:30am rises banging my head against the table trying to figure out how the fuck to write good stories

And you are MORE than welcome to go through all that too.

You can bang your head against the table.

You can sit there, staring at the Twitter app on your phone trying to figure out why yet another tweet has flopped (even after you spent HOURS trying to make it).


You can SKIP all that.

You can LEVERAGE my knowledge.

And you can LEAPFROG all the creators you’re secretly jealous of because you can’t quite work out how the fuck they’re growing (while your follower count is barely creeping up each day).


You need to ACT NOW.


Because my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling no longer fits my offer stack.

And so…

In 48 hours I am going to DELETE this product FOREVER.

It will be GONE.

I will NEVER bring it back.

And you will be left wondering what gems you missed out on.

Gems like…

  1. The 3 plug-and-play storytelling templates which I use to write these emails in just 30-60 minutes every single day (plus added commentary so you can see EXACTLY how to slot YOUR own stories into these).
  2. My 4-step system to structuring stories to TRIGGER an itch in your reader’s brain from the very first line (so they can’t help but read until the end)
  3. How to live RENT FREE in your audience’s mind by turning even the biggest snoozefest of a story into one your followers can’t stop thinking about (result: they become die-hard fans who, at some point, will BUY your stuff)

And as a BONUS, you’ll even get…

My 5 “banker” tweet frameworks which I absolutely ABUSE to gain, on average, 30+ new followers every single day (if you feel like every tweet you write SPIRALS into a long form and you don’t know how to condense your ideas into 280 characters, this is your answer).

Oh, and just to make this even more of a “no-brainer” for you…

Get the course…

Read it…

And don’t think it’s worth 10x your money MINIMUM?

I will wire every single cent of your money back the very same day. No questions asked.

There is literally ZERO RISK to you.

So… what are you waiting for?

Start writing BANGER stories TODAY (before I NUKE this link forever in 48 hours)

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