The REAL reason I hit $15k/month (in under 180 days)

The REAL reason I hit $15k/month (in under 180 days)

Jul 5

When I joined the Twitter ecosphere, I noticed 3 key things:

  1. Most people have no idea what they’re doing
  2. Because most people have no idea what they’re doing, they copy other people (who also have no idea what they’re doing)
  3. This creates a circle-jerk of people, all doing the same stuff, who are then confused as to why their brand doesn’t “stand out”. Ironic.


I knew I had one choice:

Do things differently.

While everyone else was focusing on gaining followers, I focused on skill development (and let followers be a natural byproduct).

While everyone else was focused on shallow marketing, I spent weeks (sometimes months), building digital assets which would, over time, market themselves without me having to do anything. There’s a reason I put so much time into these newsletters and publish them on my blog…

And while everyone else was shouting “it’s a short form world” and obsessing over 280 character tweets, TikTok reels and Instagram carousels, I went long.

In fact…

If you are an OG follower of mine, you will remember that for the first 3-4 months of my journey, I spent the ENTIRE time slamming long form stories and breakdowns onto the timeline every single day.

This is what set me apart from the crowd.

This is what made me stand out.

And this, I believe, is why I am sitting here today with:

  1. 6,000 followers (almost)
  2. 2,500+ email subscribers
  3. $15,000 rolling in every single month without having to do ANY manual outreach (I know everyone makes this claim, but, in my case, I have genuinely only ever used my content to attract clients. Outreach isn’t my style. Maybe I’ll try it one day).

All while 99% of the creators I started alongside (back in November 2023) have either quit or still haven’t made their first dollar online.

The difference?

Long form content.

That is the key.


Because… if you understand anything about making MONEY, you will know that:

People buy from people who they trust.


How do you make people trust you?

Well - think about the people you trust most in the world.

Your family. Your childhood friends. Your partner (if you have one).

They have earned your trust for one simple reason:

You’ve known (and liked them) for the longest

Time + connection.

That’s the key to building trust. I don’t think anyone would argue with that.

The longer you stay in someone’s life, and the more insight and connection you provide to them, the more they remember you.

You become their default “I wonder what he’s up to”.

You become the go-to guy in their life.


It works the same with your audience on Twitter.

They are, after all, people - just like you.

The longer you hold your audience’s attention, the longer you stick in their brain (even after they’ve finished reading).

The longer you stay in their brain, the more they will trust you.

And the more they trust you, the more likely they are to BUY from you.

Being remembered.

That’s the key to building a die-hard following ready to BUY from you.

The person who can stay in their audience’s mind the longest (for the right reasons), wins. It’s that simple.

And if you know ANYTHING about writing, you will know that…

People don’t remember what you say. They remember how you made them FEEL.

Why is that important?


It’s not just about writing long content. Anyone can do that.

It’s about writing long content that makes people FEEL.

Triggering fear, and turning this into relief.

Highlighting anxiety, and then giving people calm.

Empathising with confusion, and transforming this into clarity.


That is the key to building a brand which people remember.

You are living longer in people’s minds.

You are building your TRUE digital presence.

You can’t see it.

You can’t feel it.

But, crucially, your audience can.

Finally, the question becomes…

How do you trigger emotion in your audience’s mind? (so they remember you long after they’ve finished reading their content)

I think you already know the answer to that.


Stories are how you show your readers you’re just like them.

Stories are how you make your readers feel connected with you.

Stories are how you make your readers REMEMBER you.

But if you’re anything like most creators, that’s where the problem kicks in:

You open up your laptop (or the Twitter app on your phone).

You’ve got a story idea.

You start writing…

But 30 minutes later you’re staring at a jumbled, incoherent mess that has as much chance of connecting with your readers as I do picking a fucking tuna sandwich from Subway (eugh).

You want to learn to write stories that blow your readers away, gain you followers and, ultimately, build yourself a brand which makes MONEY.

But you don’t know how.

I’m here to fix that.

I have solved ALL the storytelling problems you’re struggling with.

How to come up with storytelling ideas ON COMMAND in the first place.

How to incept curiosity from the opening line so people will actually read until the end (remember: the longer people read your content, the more they will remember you and your brand).

How to plug story ideas into PROVEN formats so that, instead of typing out and deleting the same two lines for hours on end, you can bash out BANGER stories in 30 minutes or less.

All the answers you’re looking for are at your fingertips. (I’m not joking).

I don’t want to say I’ve mastered storytelling - I’m constantly improving.

But my storytelling insights are the EXACT reason why, when someone comes to me with a good story idea, I can show them how to frame it so they get results like this (I checked - 130k impressions from this ONE post was the final score):

I want the same for you. I genuinely do.

It’s the reason that when I my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling, I poured WEEKS of my time into it. I stayed up til midnight. I got up at 5:30AM. I spent 15+ HOURS on Zoom calls with you guys trying to understand exactly what you STRUGGLE with most when it comes to storytelling. (I wouldn’t feel comfortable calling it an “Ultimate Guide” otherwise).


I’d love to have time to sit for hours on the phone with you and fix all your storytelling problems 1-on-1.

But currently, my hourly rate is $499 (and my 1:1 coaching is $2,000/month minimum).

I’m guessing you do don’t fancy coughing that up this Friday morning.

And that’s why today I’m STRONGLY advising you to grab your copy of my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling for…

$29 only.


Because my brand is evolving.

Over the next few months, I am pivoting my business model (don’t worry about that now - I’ll explain at a future date).

All you need to know today is this:

You have less than 24 hours to grab your copy of my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling.

When my alarm goes off at 6AM tomorrow, I will DEAD the product FOREVER.

You will NOT be able to access it. Ever.

And you’ll be alone IN THE DARK about how to write stories that build a genuine connection with your readers (remember: genuine connections are the ONLY way you can make MONEY sustainably in this game).

Act now.

Invest in you and your brand TODAY.

And don’t miss out on your LAST EVER CHANCE to build a brand that lives RENT FREE in your audience’s mind long after they’ve finished reading.

Get your next BANGER story here (gone in under 24 hours)

Oh, and in case you’re on the fence…

Read the course…

Implement what I teach…

And don’t find 10x the value of what you paid after 30 days?

I will give you a full refund - no questions asked.

There is literally ZERO RISK to you (you’ll have the knowledge inside and won’t have paid a dime for it).

So… what are you waiting for?

Build your unforgettable brand TODAY (in under 24 hours I will DEAD this link forever).

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The REAL reason I hit $15k/month (in under 180 days)

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The REAL reason I hit $15k/month (in under 180 days)

July 5, 2024

When I joined the Twitter ecosphere, I noticed 3 key things:

  1. Most people have no idea what they’re doing
  2. Because most people have no idea what they’re doing, they copy other people (who also have no idea what they’re doing)
  3. This creates a circle-jerk of people, all doing the same stuff, who are then confused as to why their brand doesn’t “stand out”. Ironic.


I knew I had one choice:

Do things differently.

While everyone else was focusing on gaining followers, I focused on skill development (and let followers be a natural byproduct).

While everyone else was focused on shallow marketing, I spent weeks (sometimes months), building digital assets which would, over time, market themselves without me having to do anything. There’s a reason I put so much time into these newsletters and publish them on my blog…

And while everyone else was shouting “it’s a short form world” and obsessing over 280 character tweets, TikTok reels and Instagram carousels, I went long.

In fact…

If you are an OG follower of mine, you will remember that for the first 3-4 months of my journey, I spent the ENTIRE time slamming long form stories and breakdowns onto the timeline every single day.

This is what set me apart from the crowd.

This is what made me stand out.

And this, I believe, is why I am sitting here today with:

  1. 6,000 followers (almost)
  2. 2,500+ email subscribers
  3. $15,000 rolling in every single month without having to do ANY manual outreach (I know everyone makes this claim, but, in my case, I have genuinely only ever used my content to attract clients. Outreach isn’t my style. Maybe I’ll try it one day).

All while 99% of the creators I started alongside (back in November 2023) have either quit or still haven’t made their first dollar online.

The difference?

Long form content.

That is the key.


Because… if you understand anything about making MONEY, you will know that:

People buy from people who they trust.


How do you make people trust you?

Well - think about the people you trust most in the world.

Your family. Your childhood friends. Your partner (if you have one).

They have earned your trust for one simple reason:

You’ve known (and liked them) for the longest

Time + connection.

That’s the key to building trust. I don’t think anyone would argue with that.

The longer you stay in someone’s life, and the more insight and connection you provide to them, the more they remember you.

You become their default “I wonder what he’s up to”.

You become the go-to guy in their life.


It works the same with your audience on Twitter.

They are, after all, people - just like you.

The longer you hold your audience’s attention, the longer you stick in their brain (even after they’ve finished reading).

The longer you stay in their brain, the more they will trust you.

And the more they trust you, the more likely they are to BUY from you.

Being remembered.

That’s the key to building a die-hard following ready to BUY from you.

The person who can stay in their audience’s mind the longest (for the right reasons), wins. It’s that simple.

And if you know ANYTHING about writing, you will know that…

People don’t remember what you say. They remember how you made them FEEL.

Why is that important?


It’s not just about writing long content. Anyone can do that.

It’s about writing long content that makes people FEEL.

Triggering fear, and turning this into relief.

Highlighting anxiety, and then giving people calm.

Empathising with confusion, and transforming this into clarity.


That is the key to building a brand which people remember.

You are living longer in people’s minds.

You are building your TRUE digital presence.

You can’t see it.

You can’t feel it.

But, crucially, your audience can.

Finally, the question becomes…

How do you trigger emotion in your audience’s mind? (so they remember you long after they’ve finished reading their content)

I think you already know the answer to that.


Stories are how you show your readers you’re just like them.

Stories are how you make your readers feel connected with you.

Stories are how you make your readers REMEMBER you.

But if you’re anything like most creators, that’s where the problem kicks in:

You open up your laptop (or the Twitter app on your phone).

You’ve got a story idea.

You start writing…

But 30 minutes later you’re staring at a jumbled, incoherent mess that has as much chance of connecting with your readers as I do picking a fucking tuna sandwich from Subway (eugh).

You want to learn to write stories that blow your readers away, gain you followers and, ultimately, build yourself a brand which makes MONEY.

But you don’t know how.

I’m here to fix that.

I have solved ALL the storytelling problems you’re struggling with.

How to come up with storytelling ideas ON COMMAND in the first place.

How to incept curiosity from the opening line so people will actually read until the end (remember: the longer people read your content, the more they will remember you and your brand).

How to plug story ideas into PROVEN formats so that, instead of typing out and deleting the same two lines for hours on end, you can bash out BANGER stories in 30 minutes or less.

All the answers you’re looking for are at your fingertips. (I’m not joking).

I don’t want to say I’ve mastered storytelling - I’m constantly improving.

But my storytelling insights are the EXACT reason why, when someone comes to me with a good story idea, I can show them how to frame it so they get results like this (I checked - 130k impressions from this ONE post was the final score):

I want the same for you. I genuinely do.

It’s the reason that when I my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling, I poured WEEKS of my time into it. I stayed up til midnight. I got up at 5:30AM. I spent 15+ HOURS on Zoom calls with you guys trying to understand exactly what you STRUGGLE with most when it comes to storytelling. (I wouldn’t feel comfortable calling it an “Ultimate Guide” otherwise).


I’d love to have time to sit for hours on the phone with you and fix all your storytelling problems 1-on-1.

But currently, my hourly rate is $499 (and my 1:1 coaching is $2,000/month minimum).

I’m guessing you do don’t fancy coughing that up this Friday morning.

And that’s why today I’m STRONGLY advising you to grab your copy of my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling for…

$29 only.


Because my brand is evolving.

Over the next few months, I am pivoting my business model (don’t worry about that now - I’ll explain at a future date).

All you need to know today is this:

You have less than 24 hours to grab your copy of my Ultimate Guide to Storytelling.

When my alarm goes off at 6AM tomorrow, I will DEAD the product FOREVER.

You will NOT be able to access it. Ever.

And you’ll be alone IN THE DARK about how to write stories that build a genuine connection with your readers (remember: genuine connections are the ONLY way you can make MONEY sustainably in this game).

Act now.

Invest in you and your brand TODAY.

And don’t miss out on your LAST EVER CHANCE to build a brand that lives RENT FREE in your audience’s mind long after they’ve finished reading.

Get your next BANGER story here (gone in under 24 hours)

Oh, and in case you’re on the fence…

Read the course…

Implement what I teach…

And don’t find 10x the value of what you paid after 30 days?

I will give you a full refund - no questions asked.

There is literally ZERO RISK to you (you’ll have the knowledge inside and won’t have paid a dime for it).

So… what are you waiting for?

Build your unforgettable brand TODAY (in under 24 hours I will DEAD this link forever).

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