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I'm Harry Beadle.

In November 2023, I decided the 9-5 life wasn't for me.

At the time I was working as a software engineer at hedge fund and, even though that might sound cool, I'd never felt less fulfilled.

So, I decided to fix it.

I've always loved writing and, one day at work while I was trawling through YouTube videos to numb the boredom, I stumbled upon Nicolas Cole and Dan Koe. They were both talking about how they'd built 7-figure businesses simply by writing online. And you know what? That sounded pretty good to me.

It didn't take long before I was devouring everything I could get my hands on to do with writing, marketing and sales. This, inevitably, lead me to Twitter ("𝕏" is still a fucking stupid name if you ask me).

And in just 4 months on Twitter I'd managed to:

• Grow an audience of 4,000+ followers
• Start a newsletter with nearly 2,000 subs
• Build a $10k/month personal brand


I'm leaving the UK and fucking off to Thailand (likely for good) to enjoy the freedom writing online has given me. And now I'm teaching you and everyone in my newsletter how to build a personal so you can get a piece of the freedom pie for yourself.

All based on one key skill:


So, does time and financial freedom while spending every day doing what you love sound like something you'd be interested in?

Come join The Creator's Academy.

You'll get daily insights on how to build a profitable personal brand that lets you get paid simply for being you.

I'll see you there.

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What is a High-Status Creator? And the 3 content pillars you need to become one

"None of these guys are sat hunched over their keyboard spamming out their 217th comment of the day while they mainline coffee into their eyeballs because their adenosine receptors are now more fucked than a blind man in a boxing ring."
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Harry Beadle
April 25, 2024
Association is the magic word...

Building a high-status brand (37 mins of Hormozi condensed into 729 words)

"Before I knew it, people were tweeting about common sense and quoting it in without me saying a word. Pretty fucking magical once the exponential network effects set in if you ask me."
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Harry Beadle
April 24, 2024
"Nitch" or "neesh"?

How I found my niche as a creator (plus 5 steps to help you find yours)

“I’ve learned a lot about marketing and copywriting in the past 5 years. But you know what? Pretty much everything I’ve learned has just been common sense.”
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Harry Beadle
April 23, 2024